Favorite Reads from 2016 {Sonlight’s Core D/E}

Here are Annelise’s favorite books from this past school year.


Annelise, 7

As Om-kas-toe and his sister were serving as lookouts for their Blackfeet tribe, the discovered a strange animal. Life for their tribe would never be the same. Om-kas-toe, by Kenneth Tomasma, was my favorite read-alone book from this school year. In this book Om-kas-toe learns how to hunt, fish and take care of himself. He has lots of exciting adventures in this book. The most exciting is how he captured the elk-dog. You’ll have to read Om-kas-toe to find out what happened.

I listened to my brother, Knud’s Core E read-alouds this year. Caddie Woodland, by Carol Ryrie Brink was my favorite book that we read together. Caddie spends most of her time with two of her brothers. She’d rather be outside having adventures and getting dirty with them, than be inside learning how to sew and cook like the other girls. This story is based on the real life of Carol Brink’s grandma. It takes place during the 1860s in the woods of western Wisconsin. This is a great book to listen to. You’ll like hearing about Caddie and her brothers’ adventures—some are really funny!

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